You may know him as Damon Salvatore, the heartthrob of a vampire on the hit CW series The Vampire Diaries, but Ian Somerhalder's diet consists of a lot more than human blood and an aversion to garlic.

In this episode of Food Diaries, Somerhalder walks us through his daily food habits, from having two massive breakfasts to eating a diet rich in plants and a variety of fish.

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"First thing I do when I wake up," Somerhalder begins, "I eat two small puppies." Wait, what? "No, I'm joking. The first thing I do when I wake up–it's kinda strange–I have a first breakfast and a second breakfast." The actor usually starts the first of his breakfasts with a broth rich in supplements and green juices with tea, which he then whips into his NutriBullet with coconut oil, cacao, and salt.

After training, Somerhalder goes for a meal rich in protein, preparing fish (he alternates between saltwater and freshwater fish) and a wide assortment of nuts (walnuts, cashews, pecans, etc.). In addition to that, he also goes for "two giant handfuls of vegetables."

For other breakfast alternatives, Somerhalder also reveals that he goes hard for carbs. "Twice a week, I'll eat just massive, huge stacks of pancakes," he says. "But, it's only twice a week."

Watch the rest of the video to see what Somerhalder eats for lunch, dinner, and snacks, as well as his best tips for eating with sustainability and the planet in mind.

Somerhalder's new show, V Wars, premieres on Netflix on December 5.

Don't forget to subscribe to BAZAAR's YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of Derm Reacts, This Look Is Money, Go to Bed with Me, Royal Tea with Rickey Thompson, Heel Hunters, Little Black Book, or Food Diaries.

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Chelsey Sanchez
Digital Associate Editor

As an associate editor at, Chelsey keeps a finger on the pulse on all things celeb news. She also writes on social movements, connecting with activists leading the fight on workers' rights, climate justice, and more. Offline, she’s probably spending too much time on TikTok, rewatching Emma (the 2020 version, of course), or buying yet another corset.